My availability for supporting dementia caregivers in India

I am concerned about persons with dementia and their caregivers, and while I am not an “official” dementia care expert, or indeed, an expert of any sort, I share my experiences, perspective and suggestions/ tips with family caregivers for persons with dementia in India. I also create and update online resources for dementia caregivers in India; these are available in English and Hindi. My concern and commitment for this sphere of work comes from the challenges I have faced myself and my multiple interactions with other caregivers who shared their experiences, their problems, and their triumphs with me.

The main online resource sites I have created for dementia caregivers are at:

I maintain the above resources, and periodically review them to augment some topics/ coverage, or add some pages/ documents/ videos. I also try to respond to any queries I get as appropriately as I can, sharing whatever I know or can suggest(though whether that will actually help I can’t say ЁЯЩВ

For a more detailed explanation of what I do in this area, please check out this link: The dementia care work I do on my blog.

Previous: Sharing Experiences: Dementia Caregivers in India Next: For volunteers: Resources and Ideas for volunteers helping dementia caregivers