(For the past few years, because of my growing involvement in dementia care volunteer work, I have not managed enough time to write fiction, and this is not expected to change in the foreseeable future…to the extent one can see the future…) Meanwhile I have published stuff as part of my professional work, though, including a business novel, Aligning Ferret: How an Organization Meets Extraordinary Challenges and other books (check here).
Below is a list of my fiction/ essays, some published online (free or paid), some as print. I’ve marked whatever can be read free online with a tag: Available free online!, so that you can identify them and click to read them when scrolling down:
- The Spanish translation of “Perhaps this is Kushi’s Story”, called “Quizás esta sea la historia de Kushi” was published online on Nov 1, 2020, by Crononauta at their Patreon site (behind a paywall), and there was also a rather nice bio but these are no longer available online.
- My story, What Lies Dormant, a future-India based science fiction, which first appeared in Warrior Wisewoman 3 from Norilana Books, is now also available (2018) from Future Fiction in ebook format as a single as Future Fiction Book 23, on Amazon.com and Amazon.in. Future Fiction has also made it available in Italian, at Segreti sopiti (Future Fiction Vol. 43) (Italian Edition).
- My story, Where It Ends, first published in Strange Horizons (2010) is now part of the December 2017 anthology, “Everyone: Worlds Without Walls” (by Districts of Wonder) and available at Amazon.com and Amazon.in. The story is still available free online!Where it Ends
- My story, Available free online!The Absence of Words, first published in January 2015 in Mythic Delirium (Mythic Delirium Magazine Issue 1.3) was later included in their annual anthology. It has also been picked up for the prestigious anthology of the year’s best, where it will be in excellent company: Paula Guran’s “The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2016”. See Kindle version on Amazon.com here and on Amazon.in here .
- Available free online!My speculative fiction, “The Absence of Words”, was published as a featured story in January 2015 in Mythic Delirium (Mythic Delirium Magazine Issue 1.3). The story can be read free online. The full issue’s ebook is available in India at Amazon.in and Amazon.com.
- “The Problem of Junior”, a hard SF flash length story, first published by Nature many years ago, was included as part of their anthology, Nature Futures 2: Science Fiction from the Leading Science Journal, published in 2014. This anthology is available as a Kindle ebook from Amazon.in and Amazon.com. (The flash story as published in 2009 is available free online at: ‘The Problem of Junior‘)
- I participated in a “roundtable” discussion on Indian Speculative Fiction that was published in September 2013 and October 2013 in Strange Horizons. The discussion is available as a two part publication: (Available free online!) Splitting the Difference: A Discussion about Indian Speculative Fiction, part 1 and Splitting the Difference: A Discussion about Indian Speculative Fiction, part 2.
- My speculative fiction, “Regressions”, is part of an Indian anthology of speculative fiction inspired by the Ramayana, “Breaking the Bow.” The anthology, edited by Anil Menon and Vandana Singh, was published in 2012 by Zubaan Books. It was later included in Lavie Tidhar’s “Apex Book of World SF 3” in 2014.
- My flash-length story, “A Place to Stay”, which won an award in 2005 (ancient, yeah), was adapted and included in the OUP anthology, A Time of Waiting, apparently published in August 2012. (Available at Amazon.com and Amazon.in)
- My fantasy story, The Susurration Within, has been published by DC Books and is available as a Winklet at thewinkstore.com.
- Available free online!My fantasy story, Song Hungers, is up at NewMyths.com and can be read here. An accompanying author interview is available here.
- Available free online!My flash-length hard SF story, ‘Dream girl‘, has been published by Nature in their Feb 17, 2011 issue, as part of the ‘Futures’ column.
- Available free online!Where it Ends, an India-based story, has been published by Strange Horizons, a SFWA pro market where a lot of my favorite authors appear regularly. I’m so happy to have made it to this market.
- My story, What Lies Dormant, a future-India based science fiction, is part of Warrior Wisewoman 3 from Norilana Books. This annual anthology series contains “science fiction featuring powerful and remarkable women” and I am happy to be part of it. The book is available at Amazon.com and Amazon.in.
- Available free online!Perhaps this is Kushi’s Story is up at Fantasy magazine. This is my second SFWA pro sale, and I’m thrilled at being part of this really great ezine. (Related author interview here.
- Available free online!My flash-length hard SF story, ‘The Problem of Junior‘, has been published by Nature in their July 23, 2009 issue, as part of the ‘Futures’ column. I am in really good company for this credit (see link for others who have had stories published here).
- Available free online!My story, “The Unbeing of Once-Leela” is part of Sybil’s Garage 7, available at Amazon and as an e-book. This is one of my personal favorites as a story, and I’m glad it is appearing in Sybil’s, where it shares the TOC with some really interesting stories . The story is available online here. Or buy the full issue (Kindle) from Amazon.com or Amazon.in
- Available free online!My fantasy story,’A Texture Beyond Dreams‘, has appeared in Expanded Horizons, as part of their Issue Twelve, Oct 7, 2009. Read it here.
- Ray Gun Revival published my space opera, ‘Alone at AX-1’, as part of Issue 53 (June 2009); see archived TOC.
- Available free online (archive version)!My short, introspective story,’Home on the Ganges‘, has appeared in the June 2009 issue of Ideomancer. The archived version of the story is here.
- My story, Usha Tai’s Lost Something Again, printed in The First Line in January, 2006, and nominated by them for Pushcart, now appears in their “Best of” collection, available as hard copy. See it here at Amazon.com andAmazon.in
- “Camel Baby Steps” was published in Thema as part of their Written in Stone theme, in their Autumn 2007 issue.
- One short, “Playmate”, appeared in Flashshot in May 2007.
- Cremation was published in Flashquake in June as part of their Summer 2007 issue.
- Available free online!The 13th Operation was published in Bewildering Stories in March 2007.
- Ellipses appeared in Flash Me Mag in January 2007.
- A Curse and A Boon appears in Dragons, Knights and Angels, Issue 40, January 2007.
- A mini-story of 20 words received an honorable mention in a contest at On the Premises, January 2007: see archive version here.
- The Deepening has published my story, “Of Love and Princesses,” in its January 2007 issue.
- One short, “The Tossed-up Statue”, appeared in Flashshot in December 2006.
- “Sweet Nothings” appeared in Flashshot in November 2006.
- “Space Jumps with Marmoi”, a genre flash, was published at From The Asylum (November 2006 issue).
- Available free online!“The Cloud That Would Not Rain” is up at Mytholog, as part of their Autumn 2006 issue.
- One short, “Addiction”, appeared in Flashshot in October 2006.
- A horror story, “Reclaiming Lucy”, appeared in Dred Tales (October-December 2006).
- Available free online!My short, surreal story, “On My Way”, appeared in Pindeldyboz in September 2006. (Archived version is available here).
- “The Game Continues” received an Honorable Mention in the Summer 06 24-Hour Short Story Contest of Writer’s Weekly.
- “Friends at School” was printed in Children’s World, August 2006 issue.
- The July 11, 2006 issue of Espresso Fiction featured “There for Me”.
- Climbing Back Into Writing Heaven” appeared in Byzarium in July 2006.
- A personal essay, “Echoes of silence,” appeared in the editorial pages of Indian Express on June 10, 2006.
- One short, “Crime Scene on a Sunday Morning”, was published in Flashshot in May 2006.
- One short, “Summer Holidays”, was published in Flashshot in April 2006.
- Available free online (on archive)!The World Outside (archived copy) has appeared in Cezanne’s Carrot in March, 2006, in their second issue.
- “Usha Tai’s Lost Something Again” was printed in The First Line, Spring 2006 issue.
- The Last Day of the Fair was published in February 2006 at A Long Story Short, in the Inspiration section.
- One short, “Infidelity”, was published in Flashshot in February 2006.
- Two shorts, “Breaking News” and “The Last Holiday” were published in Flashshot in January 2006.
- “Bunking Classes”, appeared on January 16, 2006 on the editorial pages of Deccan Herald as a ‘Middle’.
- “A Place to Stay” was a Highly Commended Story in the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association Short Story Competition, 2005.
- “Uncle Henry’s Endgame” was printed in The First Line, Fall 2005 issue.
- “A Time to Live”, placed First in ‘Finding the Right Words Flash Fiction Contest 2005’ at Inkspotter.
- “The Face She Remembers” won 2nd prize in the Flash Fiction section of Bards and Sages International Contest 2005.
- “Temptation”, a 69-er, was printed in NFG Issue 6.
- My personal essay, “Rings within rings” placed 21st in the Memoirs/ Personal Essay category in the 73rd Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition (2004).
- “Down The Road” was Editor’s Choice, Spring 2004 Binnacle Ultra-Short Competition.
- “The Last Day of the Fair” won the first prize at WriteCraft’s Spring Short Story Contest, 2004.
- “Pre-Farlanhy Era Nursery Rhymes Explained” appeared as a ‘library entry’ in Eggplant Literary Productions, April 17, 2004.
- Hospital Data Sheet-Galaxy Vampire Hospital” appeared as a ‘library entry’ in Eggplant Literary Productions, May 27, 2004.
- “The Price of an Embrace” was published in December/January 2005 issue of AlienSkin Magazine.
- “Transported” was published in December/January 2005 issue of AlienSkin Magazine.
- “The Visit” was awarded the second prize in the Zine5 Short Fiction contest.
- “Future Tense” won a Special Mention in the Zine5 Short Fiction contest.
- A flash story, Jet Lagged in Delhi, appeared in version 11 of the-phone-book.
- A flash story, Taken for Granted, appeared in version 10 of the-phone-book.
- A flash story, Meltdown, appeared in version 10 of the-phone-book.
- Available free online! Night In won first prize at Toasted Cheese in the ‘A Midsummer’s Tale’ contest, 2003.
- “Inspired Writing” was published by Absolute Write.
- The Silence Behind My Words appeared in the Spring 2004 issue of at Flashquake.
- “Living for Mel” appeared in BloodLust-UK.com in September, 2003.
- Available free online!“Five ways to Cyber-Nuttiness” appeared in Just for Fun in Writing World (newsletter archive).
- “Love is Blind” was a finalist in the Flash Fiction Contest, August 2003, at writers-ezine.com.
- “Accurate Reporting” was published March 2003 in Planet Relish.
- “Bangalore Lessons” appeared on March 18, 2005, on the editorial pages of Deccan Herald as a ‘Middle’.
- Available free online!“Time for Closure” was published in the Time-Out section of Indian Express on February 28, 2004.
- Available free online!“My Father Tongue” was published in the Time-Out section of Indian Express on December 31, 2002.
- “Fright or Fight?” was published in Op Ed of the newspaper, Pioneer, on November 22, 2002.
- “What’s my number” was published in Op Ed of the newspaper, Pioneer, on November 1, 2002.
- I have also had several stories and articles published in Woman’s Era and Caravan, sometime between 2002 and 2006.